

In Person or Mail

We appreciate your gifts in any form. Stop by the office and drop off your financial gift anytime. Write a check and mail it with Attn: Office Manager. All giving is processed on Wednesday.

Online Giving

We encourage you to give online. We have an easy, safe, and secure online giving platform. Click the link below. Your gift may take a few weeks to process. Consider making your gift reoccurring through our giving platform, direct deposit, or EFT.

Legacy Giving

Consider giving to our memorial fund. A legacy gifts ensure that the mission and ministry at University Church continues. Legacy gifts are a lasting impact in providing the financial means for future generations to become disciples.



Transparency & Stewardship:

As a United Methodist Church, we believe in being transparent with our funds and how they are used for ministry. Your gift is always private. However, our budget and our allocation of our congregations giving is managed through our staff, Finance Committee, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. Any offering collected on Sunday or throughout the week is always aggregated by 2 or more individuals (not-related). What sets University a part is our transparency to our members that you don’t’ find in many other denominations or non-denominational settings. We believe stewardship is a sacred part of our discipleship process and a way that we grow closer to God.


Stewardship 2023

Click the box to view/download the Giving Letter!

Prayerfully consider the impact of your giving and your giving as an act of faith.